
Do a SWOT analysis of your skills, for a specific filming production role. You're going to be making a horror or action-thriller sequence in which you actually carry out the role. The film will need to contain a special effect.

eg. costume design, camera-person, editor, gaffer.... anything that would be useful for a short film sequence.

For P3 you need to analyse your skills which you posses that would help you carry out your role. This should be done in paragraphs. Every claim about your skill should be backed up by an example of you demonstrating that skill.

P3 a) written communication b) verbal communication c) practical production d) creativity

For M2 you need identify what skills, whether it is from a category from P3 or otherwise, you are lacking in which might effect your performance and the final product. You should identify at least 3 gaps in your skillset and they can be specific if needed.

Create a skills gap sheet for a merit. Here's a blank version.

For D1 you need to clearly show what you will actively do to address the gaps in your skillset. You must give yourself timed goals. 

Create a skills plan, and reference P3a analysis for distinction, addressing the weaknesses for distinction 

For a distinction fill in a CPD plan - a table that has goals within it:
Fill in this grid of your professional development plan
so if you wanted to be a Graphic Designer you would add goals like work experience, university course, Distinctions in Applied Media, maybe some extra skills training

P3 Learners analyse the skills they have that would enable them to carry out a chosen media production role, including: a) written communication b) verbal communication c) practical production d) creativity

M2 Learners identify any potential gaps in their skills that would be needed in order to carry out their chosen production role proficiently

D1 Learners create a plan for their own future skills development. The plan addresses the gaps they have identified in their own communication, practical or creative skills


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